A mildly boring disclaimer from me

This blog is intended to share my personal weight loss/self-improvement journey with other people who may have had the same struggles or just need a little nudge in the right direction. I am not a professional or an expert on the matter. I AM an expert on myself, though, and I know what has and does work for me. Interested? Stay tuned... this is gonna be GREAT!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Heeding Mama's Warning

Mama raised me with the, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" mantra.  Being her highly-verbal and even more emotional daughter, this has proven to be a good tool for me in life.  Which is why my blog updates have been few and far between the last few weeks.  See, I quit smoking on May 10th, and I can tell you right now, for the last nearly four weeks, I haven't even liked being around myself, let alone exposing anyone else to my insanity.

This has been a struggle on a multitude of levels for me.  The last time I quit smoking, I simply replaced cigarettes with food, and as a result of that, I gained 30 pounds. I can't do that this time.  And let me tell you, I am HUNGRY.  I'm not just snackish..I'm famished- all the time.  I chew gum; I drink water, I run; I do deep-breathing exercises...and that empty knaw in the pit of my stomach is unsatisfied.  I try to reach out to folks and get my mind on other things, I pray, I even cried. LOL....  And when nothing else worked, I had a snack.

And I gained six pounds in one week. 

So feel free to share in my disappointment briefly, though ever-so-briefly, because I am not getting stuck on that ledge, I can tell you that.  I'm feeling better, now.  Tomorrow makes four weeks smoke-free, and almost two weeks nicotine-free. (I used the e-cigs for the first two weeks to break the habit, then I weened myself off the e-cigs.)  In breaking this addiction, I have relapsed into some old food/eating habits, and some of them before I even realized it. What my struggle is now, though, is fighting the urge to go back to what I know which is food...binging. Comfort, ol' reliable.  I've told you before that two of my emotional eating triggers are anger and loneliness; well I had cigarettes to help when I was lonesome, and now I don't have that anymore.  So, instead of replacing my "friends" with food, I'm having to make myself find other things to do.  Very frustrating.  In that moment, I want to smoke.  And I can't. So then I think "Well, then eat."  And I can't.  So then I'm angry ON TOP of lonely.  Rapid-fire triggers, one right after the other.  It's been a very rough four weeks. 

So, once again, I'm picking myself out of an unhealthy situation and making my own way through to a healthier lifestyle.  Right now, life is pretty tough to deal with, I can comfortably say.  But, it's getting better, and I know it won't last much longer, and I won't feel like this forever. 

As I told a friend a few days ago when he asked me about a completely different topic, "A little compassion and patience and a lot of faith and trust in God goes a long way."  I'm applying that to myself, now, as well.  I feel for what I'm going through. This is rough!  Instead of shoving myself along and whipping myself with "shoulds", I'm giving myself some grace. 

So I may not be the poster child for healthy eating right now...oh well, big deal.  I have full faith that I'll be OK.  Meanwhile, if you aren't doing as well as you hoped on your journey right now, keep looking at the goal.  You'll get there. :) I'm proud of you for not giving up! 

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