A mildly boring disclaimer from me

This blog is intended to share my personal weight loss/self-improvement journey with other people who may have had the same struggles or just need a little nudge in the right direction. I am not a professional or an expert on the matter. I AM an expert on myself, though, and I know what has and does work for me. Interested? Stay tuned... this is gonna be GREAT!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

I recently wrote a note on Facebook about the things I learned this year.  I didn't get into my weight loss journey much, because frankly, people are probably getting sick of hearing about it. LOL.  But, for those of us who have struggled with weight problems, it is a big deal to lose weight and keep it off.

I have not been working out or monitoring my caloric intake much since mid-summer, and I am proud to announce that I am still maintaining my current weight at 180 pounds. (56 pounds lost thus far.)  However, I am still 5 pounds away from my goal weight of 175. I decided when I set that goal that I would hit it, see how I felt, and determine then if I wanted to go lower.  I've decided, now, that I am going to head on down to 165, but I doubt I will go much lower than that.  I have no interest in being "skinny" as I like my curves, but I am very proud of my accomplishment thus far.

This is my starting picture- 236 pounds
I bought this dress for a business trip to Chicago.  When my daughter took this picture of me, I was CERTAIN there had to have been some kind of problem when I rotated the picture, because I didn't LOOK like that in real life...did I?

Here's a picture of me, now.  This was taken this summer on my way to the family reunion.

Soooo, the big question is, where do we go from here?  Back to the gym and back to the basics, of course!  The holidays are over; no more excuses for not getting back on track, right?  Remember what I said in one of my side-bars--Your past does not have to control your present or determine your future.  If you stop and think about what you've tried and what didn't work, chalk it up to a learning experience and try something new.  This is a new year full of options and possibility.  Embrace the white canvas, envision the life you want to have, pick a color, and get busy!!  :)  Oh, and GET OFF THE MAT! 

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